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Problem Definition Process

The Approach

  • Document the process used to gather information from users and internal stakeholders to understand problems.

  • My role: record my process for problem exploration and definition.

Problem Definition Workflow Map.jpg

Defining the Process

  1. Survey stakeholders to get all input

  2. Identify recurring or related problem themes

  3. Distill top problems into a document to share across the team

  4. Working session to decide on which problems are most important to tackle

  5. Divide the team into project groups (preferably every department represented in each group)

  6. The team captain is assigned to guide the group and serve as a liaison to the rest of the group

  7. Teams meet separately to confirm and deepen understanding of the problem statement

  8. Develop “solution statements” to the problems identified

  9. List action items that support solution statements

  10. The final output is project document with problem info, solution statements, and action items with dates and deliverables

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