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Project Backgound

Lucro Marketplace was an online marketplace for healthcare solutions. A closed, multi-sided platform, both health care vendors and buyers could join the marketplace for free. Vendors create pages called Solution Cards and buyers search for vendor solutions for their digital health projects.


Valify, a health care cost management company, acquired Lucro in the Fall of 2018. As part of the acquisition strategy, Valify sought to incorporate existing Lucro features and functionality into a revenue-generating product.

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My Role

  • I was part of a project team that researched and defined what the re-branded Lucro offering could be and, most importantly, how we could generate revenue.

  • As part of the project team, I conducted user interviews to understand current new user needs as part of the acquisition (Valify has a different target user).

  • I facilitated a Design Thinking session to reframe the project/ problems in a human-centric way, to allow us to dig deeper in the problem and formulate solutions 

  • I then created clickable wireframes to test with users.

  • After testing and iterating, I completed final designs for Engineering implement.

  • I also worked closely with Marketing, Account Management, and Support to communicate the changes to existing users and to announce the launch.

Understanding the Problem

  • While Lucro was a closed platform, Valify Marketplace is public-facing and will thus have different information displayed depending on if the user is registered or just viewing public information.

  • Valify Marketplace’s goal is to be ‘the primary destination for healthcare organizations to find and select the best balance of quality, service, and cost among tens of thousands of product and service vendors’. 

  • With the focus on finding solutions in the Valify Marketplace catalog, we invested in additional features such as a new landing page and enhanced search and filter capabilities.

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Photo from Design Thinking session for Valify Marketplace

The Solution

  • Implement a new landing page for that gives context to the platform, as well as a jumping-off point to deeper locations in the platform.

  • Rebuild the current search results page with enhanced search and filter functionality and a new, streamlined vendor search result tile.

  • Implement new user permissions to allow the Valify Marketplace to be publicly accessed.

  • Include ad space throughout the platform to capture vendor revenue.

  • Modify existing Solution Card designs with new data wells to support the new use case.

Valify Marketplace Landing Page

This is a new page (did not exist in Lucro Marketplace), that educates the user by showing different things the user can do and has links to take the user there easily.

  • Since Valify Marketplace is a catalog, the search bar is front and center.

  • This directs the user to the primary function of the platform-- finding vendors.

  • The last two data wells serve as advertisement and education for Valify-- educating users on the unique value prop of the platform.

  • And also advertises the vendor upsell packages that are available (links user out to vendor upsell page).

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  • Valify’s main differentiator is their category system for purchased services.

  • We put that on display here to showcase Valify’s expertise and, most importantly, to allow users easy access to the top subcategories in Valify.

Valify Marketplace Search/ Browse Page

The main activity of the Marketplace is to help Health System buyers find vendors. Through user interviews, we learned that often, buyers don’t know what vendors they should be considering in a particular category.

  • To help buyers find the right vendors, I included a left navigation filter pane. 

  • This allows buyers to filter by:

    • All available categories

    • All geographies

    • All Group Purchasing Organizations 

    • Vendor diversity classification 

  • The redesign of this page also included 2 vendor ad locations; a banner ad at the top and paid search results in a given category (I'll talk more about advertising later).

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Valify Marketplace Vendor Profile Page

When opening up the Marketplace to the public, there were several changes that needed to happen to the Solution Card.​

Added a Sign in prompt to the header (When signed in, buyers see more fields and vendors can edit their profiles)

Moved up Contact Info; this is important to vendors and is important to buyers if they need a local vendor (example: ambulance services)

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To incentivize users to register, some fields are hidden from public view. They are covered by 'internal ads' that advertise the additional features available when logged in.

Added Valify's proprietary Spend Categorization to the page. 

Additional Sign in prompts that advertise and educate users on the features available when they are logged in.

Social feeds were moved down. This was done with input from buyers; social feeds help buyers get a feel for the vendor's personality and news, but is only important if the vendor is relevant for their project.

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The Results

  • The Valify Marketplace was defined, designed, then live and generating revenue within 1 quarter.

  • Exceeded the revenue produced by the original Lucro paid vendor offerings.

  • The Valify Marketplace was named to CIO Review’s list of the “50 most promising healthcare solutions of 2019.”

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